Tight Turns and Fantastic Figure 8




Turns and Figure 8 are very much affected by our handling. The majority of the time we are not aware of how our body is influencing our dogs when heeling. Feet, hips, shoulders and head all play a role. In this webinar we will look at how to handle your dog to get tight, smooth turns and a Figure 8 that flows. I break the Figure 8 exercise down into a series of turns. I will cover exercises to teach your dog the motor patterns required for tight turns and curves. I will show you how to teach your dog to maintain position throughout the turn. Finally, we need to let the dog know a turn is coming. If the dog has no warning, they can’t adjust and the turn is either wide or you get a bump. We will look at different ways to precue your dog that the turn is about to happen. This webinar will provide you with all the tools to get beautiful, smooth and accurate turns and have a lovely figure eight exercise.

Webinar is approximately 65 minutes long.

All of Petra’s webinars contain video clips demonstrating the techniques discussed in the presentation. Webinars are available for purchase up until 1 hour prior to the Release Time. Webinars are pre-recorded, thereby greatly reducing potential audio and video technology issues. If you purchase a webinar, it will be available in your Dashboard on your Account Page for 4 months. When you sign up for the webinar, it becomes available on the Release Date and you will have access to it for four months after the Release Date date. However, if you do not watch it during the live airing, you will not be able to participate in the Q&A portion. Questions can be submitted using the “Question Box” while viewing the webinar live and for half an hour after the webinar ends. Within three days, Petra will record the “Questions and Answers”. That recording will then become available to everyone that purchased the corresponding webinar.


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